Monday, October 09, 2006

The Week From Hell

I promised myself that I would update this blog regularly, but the past few weeks have been absolutely the worst things ever. I felt like I had been chewed up and spit out only to be stomped on repeatedly.

I had to go have a colonoscopy last Wednesday. Can you hear the absolute joy in that statement, dear reader?

To explain why, at the ripe old age of 22, I now have two Gastroenterologists on speed dial, I need to go back about a year. I don't handle stress very well and my last year of undergraduate word was really stressful. I had a senior thesis that turned into a monster 300+ page dissertation. I got the record for having the longest senior thesis to ever be turned in to the Honors Dept and the Anthropology Dept. I also had finals, preparation to graduate, applications to graduate school, attempts to choose where I would go to grad school once I had received my acceptance letters, trying to find a new place to live in College Station, trying to fund grad school, etc.

Usually when I get really stressed I break out in hives. I was so pleased this year when my skin hadn't decided it wanted to spaz...unfortunately I broke out on the inside. I was diagnosed with a severe duodenal ulcer in June and I'm still having complications from that.

So, yeah, this week was a little gnarly. I was able to stay with my aunt and uncle in Houston, which was nice. Having family close by is a very good thing!

Now we will move on to lighter things! I've got today off work. WOOT! We have had some very odd people who come into the store. People get cranky about the weirdest things. One lady bought over 30 yards of fabric and notions and then freaked out when the bill was over 200 dollars. She demanded to know if I'd given her all the discounts, etc. I said I had, but she went off to find the assistant manager and made her rerun the transaction...which was correct the first time!

Mothers and children can also be very strange. In just four weeks I have seen people who let their kids literally run around the store screaming, who let their kids jump off counters, and who let their kids run barefoot in the store and then complain about how dirty our floors are! Of course, there are some very sweet, well behaved children who come in with Moms and Dads, but we all remember the monsters.

I'm making my new baby cousin's Halloween costume (a pumpkin) which I am going to try and finish tonight. My apartment is put together and all is looking up.

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